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Una mesa pequeña, un terreno inestable, hay que nivelar la realidad que se pretende. Se cava para enterrar una silla, la otra se alza con pequeños montículos de piedras y tierra. La tabla parece a ver encontrado el equilibrio sobre las piernas enfrentadas de dos comensales. Comemos cerezas en la parte baja de la mesa, sirve de bandeja, nada se puede caer, todo parece bajo control, pero no es así; a veces pasa...
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A small table, an unstable terrain, you have to level the reality that is intended. It is dug to bury a chair, the other is raised with small mounds of stones and earth. The table seems to see found the balance on the legs facing two diners. We eat cherries in the lower part of the table, it serves as a tray, nothing can fall, everything seems under control, but it is not like that; sometimes happens...